Luis Anibal || Stripped Bourbon || Lactic Natural

Luis Anibal || Stripped Bourbon || Lactic Natural

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Country: Colombia

Region: Huila

Producer: Luis Anibal Calderon

Varietal/Species: Stripped Bourbon

Process: Lactic Natural

Roast Profile: Filter

Flavor: Yellow Fruits, Pineapple & Strawberry

Region Info: 

This coffee was grown by Luis Aníbal Calderón at the farm Villa Betulia. This coffee was exposed to a dry aerobic fermentation of 24 hours before being placed inside Grainpro bags for 90 hours, maintained at a temperature below 22C. In this environment, the
bacteria feed on carbohydrates and sugars found on the mucilage leading to a higher concentration of lactic acid. Then this coffee was placed on raised beds until 11% moisture content is achieved.

This micro-lot is 100% Stripe Bourbon. This varietal is a rare mutation that took place in Acevedo, Huila.

Roast Info: 

Best Consumed: 5-25 days post-roast date

This coffee is great for filter brew methods. Our favorites are Kalita Wave, Aeropress or Clever Dripper. For filter, we recommend 6g of ground coffee for every 100ml of water at approx 95c. Use your kitchen scales you’ll love it!