Country: Colombia
Region: Huila
Producer: Gabriel Castaño Buendia
Varietal/Species: Pink Bourbon
Process: Washed
Roast Profile: Filter
Flavor: Juniper Berries, Orange, Floral, Milk Chocolate
Region Info:
The land of Finca La Granada is a family farm that is two hectares in size in the
southern municipality of Acevedo. This is where Gabriel Sr started it all. Don
Gabriel Castaño Buendia - a short, quiet man with a full, jet-black moustache
and kind eyes - lived through the economic and exporting turmoil of Colombian
coffee through the 1990’s, but to this day continues to produce coffee as his
preferred crop. Through the 90’s, Colombia saw a great influx of coffee producers
saturating the market and begin selling to a global audience, and certain laws
saw many producers walk a fine line between stability and bankruptcy. This led
to many producers turning to cocoa production, which promised high reward at
the time, but also high in risk. Producer Don Gabriel left his cocoa fields as soon
as he could in order to devote himself entirely to coffee, after having lived and
worked through this financial turmoil of Colombian coffee production all those
decades ago. Today, he proudly produces coffees of the pink bourbon variety.
Despite no longer being able to drink coffee due to his health, he claims that he
would not trade lives with anyone. Across these two hectares, 8,000 trees have
been sown into the fertile soils, and through his dedication and knowledge, he is
considered known for introducing the pink bourbon variety to fellow producers
in this municipality. He and his wife, Carmen, with their six children are all in the
business of coffee production, and we are grateful to be able to share this lot.
Roast Info:
Best Consumed: 5-20 days post-roast date, Roasted Light to insure we retain as much of the coffee bean internal characteristics. We recommend using any soft brew method, Weather it be plunger or a pour over device of your choice.